Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Green Hornet - 2011 - Movie release. (Cameron Diaz) & more.

The Green Hornet, 1100 de Munt Pathé.
Cameron Diaz, ... .
Columbia Original Film.

Another super-hero film ?

Superman doll, a newspaper, Britt, another schoolyard fight, always failing boy ? An angry father, 20 years elapse.
Chudnofsky threathens a drugsdealer.
A great introduction, Danny Christal Clear,

a gun with two barrles, a better name ? How to become cooler. Briefcase kaboom.

Seth)never stop the party - on a crazy party, a black hummer, a garage full of sport-cars. A hot chick Anne Lee, coffee, pops angry again.
,,stay out of the news''

papparazzi, James Reid dead, a media empirer goes from father to son.
From a white house to a black coffin.
A statue to remember the businessman.
The Daily Sentinel, a 45 year experience from father at the company.

No Kato, no great coffee, un-fired.
A high-tech coffee machine, ... .
Sit with me, tell me your tail.
From garage to top-function.
Something cool, cars with polycarbonat.
Ben Hur car with wheels reload after getting shot and flat tire. Great drawings.
Unbotteling 2 beers at once.

Britt loves to do something nuts.
Unheaded his fathers statue.
Then tries to fight a gang and save someone.
Helping isn't his strongest point

Kato fights with super-technics,....
A red flash on every weapon.
Chased by policecar, .* crash.
The greatest moment of his life ?

We could be heroes,
don't waste our potential.
Fighting crime and live as heroes ?
Seperate thoughts, invisible lines.

Lenor Case, the new secretaress,
studied criminology, conglomorat ?
The next move ? More power.
From temp to perm sec in 1 sec.
A great adventure starts.

Kato creates guns and explosives, a hornet on the car, a logo, a brand, ..
2 masked men in black, a black beauty ..
A car with lp-player (gangster paradise)

sec. Case sends mail with predictions to the car-printer.
The Green Hornet burns a druglab. visitcard

Chudnofsky is mad and wants revenge.
A serious matter, the news, the story.
Britt Reid outro ? GH intro !
Fighting violence, shooting camera.
Kato's Shon-Di present, pimped ?
11 days later, a 2nd BBcar.
Lenore asks Kato for a date.

Mr Reid is disappointed.

Playing piano....
Lenore and Kato talk,
too much attention.
Who is independent ?
The big boss is angry.
The first gh@

thunder strikes lightning, a bad plan,
3 trucks, burried alife.
Kato presses buttons and safes the day.
Hero and side kick ?
Egomaniac versus a great parntership.
Funny fight-scene.
The drowning in the swimming pool.

Kato fired, Lenor fired ?
From 1 to 12 screens search for the GH.
7 dead people in green.
Crime war or isolated event ?

A theme, a motive, Bloodnofsky,
a red mask, scared ? , split L.A ?

Kato checks mail, Lenor back at the office.
Britt Reid a target ?
Benjamin Chudnofsky and team wait for The Green Hornet.
Apitoxin by the DA Scanlon ?
A flashback scene with clue's.
The good guys versus the bad guys.
The cars special features, drive or die ?

Red versus Green. Green versus Red.
Shot in the left shoulder, a remake and accident ?
The face back on father Reid's statue.

What's next ?



